March 5, 2024

How to Write a High-Conversion Sales Page

How to Write a High-Conversion Sales Page

A Case Study on Tati Skomski’s Six-Figure Launch

I’m incredibly fortunate for the strong network of women that I have in my business. From clients to collaborators to people who I can text and complain to when I’m having an off day, there is not a doubt in my mind that I wouldn’t be where I am today without my safety net.

When I first met Tara, founder of The Moncravie Project, we bonded over our shared “controversial” opinions about business. We both believed that the online business freedom myth was causing people to get into entrepreneurship for the wrong reasons. We both thought that not enough people were focusing on long-term sustainability over quick wins. And we both were (and still are) champions of ambitious women.

So, when Tara connected me with her long-term client Tati, it was love at first Zoom call. We clicked, and the three of us quickly became a strategic, revenue-generating dream team. Since then, we’ve spent months at a time working closely together. I’ve written website copy and more sales pages than I can count for Tati’s coaching business. 

I feel so lucky to call Tati a client. I believe in her and her business, and when it comes to copywriting that works, the proof is in the results that we’ve achieved together.

On one of our most recent sales page projects, Tati celebrated a $160,000 launch. Let’s talk about how.

The Moving Parts of a Successful Launch

Before we talk about the sales page that supported Tati’s six-figure launch, it’s important to note that a sales page alone isn’t enough to support a launch of this size. Any copywriter who tells you that “all you need to have a massive launch is a strategic sales page” is flat out lying to you and you should run for the hills (and straight into my open arms).

A successful launch requires a well-oiled machine on the backend. It requires strategy. And, to a certain extent, it requires luck. You could have the best product or service in your industry, but if you don’t have the strategy supporting the launch of that product or service, then there’s no way to guarantee success. Even without all of the strategy, there’s no way to “guarantee” success. Factors like timing, audience readiness, consistency, competition, and pricing play a major role in the success of your launch. 

When I asked Online Business Manager and Operations Pro Cassie MacFarlane to break down everything that goes into a successful product or service launch, here’s what she had to say:

“There's a million moving pieces that go into a successful launch - building out the product/service you're launching, creating content, creating the sales page & checkout page, writing copy for those pages, automating the onboarding process, writing copy for the email campaigns, creating the landing page for the masterclass/waitlist/lead magnet for attracting leads - just to name a few!!  On top of taking care of all of that, the biz owner has to show up online with high energy + enthusiasm to sell their offer and connect with their community, which can be a huuuge struggle when your todo list feels like it's never-ending.”

I say all of this not to discourage you, or put you off from investing time, energy, and money into your next launch. Rather, I want to emphasize the importance of collaboration between a copywriter, the client, and their team during a launch period. 

The success of Tati’s launch was in no way due to my work alone. It was her entire team coming together to strategize messaging and delivery, the content that she created to support the launch (it doesn’t hurt that Tati is the reigning content QUEEN), and all of the systems and support that she had in place on the backend IN TANDEM with the sales page that I wrote for her that made the launch work as well as it did.

That said, the structure, content, strategy, and delivery of your sales page MATTERS during your launch. Because it’s usually the last thing that people see before they make a decision about whether or not to invest in your product or service, your sales page needs to put in the WORK. So, let’s dive into how to make your sales page a high-conversion CLOSER for your offers.

The Anatomy of a High-Performance Sales Page

It’ll come as no surprise to you that there is a TON of research, strategy, and work that goes into writing a high-conversion sales page. The more practice that you have researching, strategizing, and writing sales copy, the better you get at it. I’ve been writing strategic sales copy for more than 4 years now. The number of sales pages that I’ve written is easily in the dozens. I’ve experimented, tested, and found a formula that works really well. 

Here are a few things that I will never skip when writing a sales page for myself or for a client:

Market Research

If you take only one thing away from this case study, let it be this–DO YOUR MARKET RESEARCH. Even if you think you know your audience, your competitors, your offer, and your market… do research just to double check. Chances are, you’ll discover something surprising in the process.

In my opinion, most sales copy fails in this stage. Yep, the majority of sales copywriting flops before it even has a chance to fly because the person writing it skips the market research phase.

If you’re completely lost on where to start with Market Research, check out my Market Research Vault resource. It’s part market research masterclass, part toolkit, and everything you need to make your market research do the heavy lifting for you in your next launch. 

Price Anchoring

Price anchoring is a tool that marketers use to make the price make sense to the consumer. You’ve almost definitely seen it done before, and probably have used it yourself to justify buying something that you really want but might be a bit out of your budget. Essentially, price anchoring positions the price of your product or offer against something less expensive. 

For just a dollar a day, you could do X.

For less than the price of your daily coffee, you could have X.

Valued at $10,000 yours for only $10.

A lot of marketers use price anchoring to point audiences towards the pricing option that has the highest profit margin for the business. I like to use price anchoring in sales copy to help potential buyers understand the ease of investing in an offer.

Speaking to the Different Buyer Types

There are a few schools of thought when it comes to different buyer types. Some say that there are six of them, some say three. Personally, I like the four buyer types– analytical, amiable, expressive, and assertive.

Each of these buyer types has a different way to target your copy and sales efforts towards them. Analytical buyers are looking for statistics, ROI, and social proof while amiable buyers are looking for connection, support, and community. Including sections for each of the buyer types in your sales page is a great way to cater to your audience at large.

Logical & Emotional Storytelling

The best sales pages tell the emotional and logical journey of the buyer. It takes them from where they are currently, what they’re struggling with, and what they dream of, to where they’ll be once they’ve implemented this offer in their life/business/fitness routine/WHATEVER. I love structuring sales pages so that the skeleton of the page reads like the success story of the potential buyer.

The Results of a Six-Figure Launch

It goes without saying that a $160,000 launch is a win for everyone.

  • Tati saw a massive return on investment in my sales copywriting services, making her money back MORE THAN 57 times.
  • She fully booked out her biggest ticket service, helping her clients confidently make a five-figure investment into themselves and their businesses.
  • She secured monthly recurring revenue for herself months in advance.
  • The women who joined the RISE Mastermind get a year of support from one of the best business coaches in the industry.
  • I got to spend more time working with one of my favorite clients.

And, when asked to write a few quick words about our time spent collaborating on this launch specifically, here’s what Tati had to say:

"Working with Kori is always an amazing experience. She just GETS it. Every time I have worked with her we have one or two calls and it's like she is in my brain when she presents the sales page to me. I always have very minor edits. If you're thinking about hiring Kori - DO IT. She is literally the best copywriter in the business."

Love you, Tati. Thanks for trusting me with your business time and time again.

If you have a launch coming up that could use the support of a high-touch, high-conversion sales page, let’s talk! I offer standalone sales page and full, strategic launch copywriting services to help you launch your latest offer with a bang.

Click here to download my most up-to-date pricing guide and reserve your spot on my calendar.

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By the way, I'm Kori.

Serving six and seven-figure creatives, coaches, and designers, it’s my job to help my clients generate connections and cash in equal parts through their website, emails, and sales copy.

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