Conversion copywriting that lets you control your destiny

Whether you’re aiming for a sold out launch or total industry domination, our partnership will help you build a narrative around your brand that captivates your audience and turns casual visitors into loyal buyers.

Booking May-July 2024

Website copy logo sticker

You only get one shot to make a stellar first impression on your website visitors (actually, you only get about five seconds, but I digress). Use your website to make an instant impact, turn selling into a hands-free job, and inspire your audience to take big, sexy action.

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at $3,500
custom website copy includes:
  • 4+ pages of psychology-supported conversion copy
  • Custom brand messaging guide and sitemap
  • Market research and competitor analysis
  • 60-minute strategy session
  • Fundamental SEO
  • 2 included rounds of revision
  • 1 round of live revisions/on-page edits
  • Communication and collaboration with designer and team
  • 6-8 week turnaround time
Sales page copy logo sticker

A juicy, psychology-backed sales page is what’s standing between you and the launch of your dreams. Whether you’re dead set on selling the fuck out of your newest service, or your upcoming course deserves to take center stage, a launch is only as good as the sales page supporting it. My writing has helped clients sell six-figures, beat their personal records, and step into launch periods with the utmost clarity and confidence (a rarity, tbh).

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sales page copy includes:
  • 1 long-form, conversion-focused sales page
  • 60-minute strategy session
  • Market research and competitor analysis
  • Fundamental SEO
  • 2 included rounds of revision
  • 1 round of live revisions/on-page edits
  • Communication and collaboration with designer and team
  • 4-6 week turnaround time
Launch copy logo sticker

Launching a new offer or product is stressful enough without the standard last minute copywriting scramble dragging you down. Instead of closing your eyes and crossing your fingers, send your brain baby out into the world with ease, supported by words that have your audience itching to “add to cart.”

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at $5,000
Launch copy includes:
  • 1 long-form sales page
  • 8-email sales sequence
  • 8 social media captions
  • 60-minute launch strategy session
  • Market research and competitor analysis
  • 2 included rounds of revisions
  • 1 round of live revisions/on-page edits
  • Communication and collaboration with designer and team
  • 6-8 week turnaround time
  • Additional emails
  • Additional social captions
  • Website copy updates
  • Course content
  • Freebie and guide writing
Email marketing logo sticker

Email marketing is the future. And anyone who tells you that “email is dead?” They’re simply not creative enough to see the possibilities beyond “I hope this email finds you well…”

The truth is, investing in your email marketing takes the pressure of social media off of your plate and forges the kind of love connection between you and your audience that you thought was only possible in fairy tales.

Because (well-crafted, strategic, sales-driven) email marketing offers the highest ROI out of all other marketing methods. Don’t even try to tell me that an average $36 earned for every $1 spent isn’t the sexiest thing you’ve ever heard of…

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starting at
$1600 / month
spots available
Email marketing retainers include:
  • 4, 8, or 12 monthly emails
  • Design, scheduling, and segmenting for all emails
  • Email marketing platform set-up/optimization
  • 4-email welcome sequence
  • 60-minute monthly strategy session
  • 3-month minimum commitment required

Have something else in mind?

One thing you should know about me? I’m down. No matter what insane idea you’ve cooked up for your business, I’m driving the getaway car. So, if you don’t see what you need, I still want to hear from you. I’ll happily send you a custom quote for projects like…

brand messaging & tone of voice strategy
product descriptions
freebie or guide writing
ghost writing
ebook writing
course writing
and whatever else you can dream up
get in touch

With a witty and strategic writer on your team, the possibilities are endless.

Baby figurine
Walking rat illustration
more foot

Bring more people who matter to your website with Google-friendly copy that supports an excellent client experience.


With stand-out messaging, your business can thrive in even the most saturated market. It’s not about what you say, it’s about how you say it…


AKA money, honey. Need I say more? Copywriting amplifies your impacts while lining your pockets with cold, hard cash.

"for life"

Copywriting makes your business an easy “fuck yes” for the people who find it, then it keeps them around for the long-run.


“I keep coming back to Kori time and time again because she's the GOAT. Not only has she become a friend but she's an amazing asset on my team that I know I can trust 100% with my business and she always delivers results. You're literally saying I don't like making money if you question working with her. Kori is the best of the best. From onboarding to editing copy it's seamless. She gets it from the start and doesn't need a million revisions to get it right. Sometimes I just don't have the words to explain what I want and she pulls them from me and brings them to life.”

Anna W.

“After having previously collaborated on Kori's branding and website, I already knew that she’d get me and the vision for Bitemark. So when I was ready for my full 360 brand makeover, turning to Kori for a fully fleshed suit of website copy was a no-brainer. And I would make the same decision without hesitation, again and again. In fact, I already have. Her work is that good. Unless you (for some weird reason) don’t like personality-packed, money-making, non-bland copy from a passionate person with backbone, Kori is the woman for your copywriting needs!”

Martha O.

“Kori pretty much took everything I said into consideration and spoke the words I had trouble conveying. I have worked with so many copywriters that just didn't get it. But, once I found Kori, I booked her immediately. The way she writes is real, compelling, and most of all ‘serving while selling’. It's everything I could've ever wanted. She's a copy alchemist.”

Alora R.

“Kori has been a JOY to work with. I can't tell you how many times I reviewed drafts of her copywriting and had tears in my eyes because of how perfectly those words described my business in ways I couldn't do myself. But, beyond that, I see Kori showing professionalism and continuous growth, which is essential when looking for relationships that can support you over a long period. I'll continue returning to Kori and shouting praises because of how easy our working relationship was and how much I love the final result!”

Brooke S.

“Fantastic, Truly. You took every idea and comment I had with such grace and adapted to it. It was unlike anything I had seen or heard in the online space as a whole, but especially for brand designers. It was also so authentic I felt like I had personally never been described better. My passions, dreams, and mission had never been put into such a beautiful verbiage that resonated so deeply with my being.”

Celeste D.

“Working with Kori was a freaking dream! She was personable, intentional and professional af. From start to finish, I know what to expect and I had full trust in your creative abilities. She listened to me, stepped into my shoes and created website copy that not only is strategic, but copy that sounds like ME. All in all, I was so impressed by Kori and am grateful for her helping hand in the creation of my agency. Thank you Kori! You're the real f***ing deal.”

Demri A.

My words in action

Client photo of Melo Creative

Founded by a celebrity esthetician with 25+ years practice on Hollywood's favorite faces, Olga Lorencin Skincare is a science-backed skincare brand that values efficacy over everything. In the middle of a brand refresh and a major marketing push, Olga and her team worked with me to rewrite her product descriptions and freshen up her professional bio.

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Client photo of Becca Luna

An icon in the online space, Becca Luna teaches aspiring web designers to become booked out with high-paying dream clients. Working through a massive rebrand, Becca brought me on to write her website and sales pages for her 5 signature offers. This rebrand and copy update resulted in her best Black Friday sale of all time and a seven-figure year.

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Client photo of Flynanced

Flynanced founder Cinneah El-Amin is leading the charge of rich, hot 9-5 baddies. Though her brand was on the up-and-up before her rebrand and website copy update, crafting rock-solid, instantly recognizable brand messaging has helped her confidently carve out her space in the financial fluency field.

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View the full portfolio

I work with cool people doing cool things.

Here are a few of my favorites:

seven figure educators & coaches
skincare brands
brand and web designers
salon owners
online business managers
human design readers
event venues
marketing agencies
wedding photographers
event planners and designers